Q. What is an increase in head size means?
Head circumference is usually measured above the both ears by a measuring tape. If it is increased than the standard range for that age group it is called increased head size or macrocephaly.
Q. How can I identify if increase in head size is serious?
If the rate of or absolute increase of head size is more or than the standard for that age and if the increase in head size is associated with repeated vomiting or delayed milestones or cranky behaviour or excessive crying of baby it can be considered serious.
Q. When to consult doctor?
When the child is born head circumference is measured and noted and at every visit it is standard practice to measure and note head circumference. So, in case of deviation from normal pattern, your child specialist will warn you and ask for certain investigations. In addition if increase in head size is also associated with vomiting and or delayed milestones or excessive crying need consultation.
Q. Causes of increase in head size?
There are many causes but most common one are hydrocephalus, bleeding in the brain, genetic conditions, brain tumours and infections etc.
Q. Investigations for increase in head size.
Apart from usual screening most common investigation is MRI of brain, and in some cases may need contrast MRI also along with CT scan.
Q. Treatment
Treatment depends upon causes, but hydrocephalus being one of the most common cause need CSF diversion procedures.